What does the word Waheguru mean ?

The word Waheguru is the name of God in the Sikh religion. It consists of two parts: Wahe which means wonderful and Guru which means someone who is the remover of ignorance.

Does Waheguru means the wonderful remover of ignorance?

Wahe also signifies a sense of fascination and wonder or vismaad . This feeling arises in the sikh when the blessings of the Guru are received. Then waheguru is the true experience of every creation of God fills the sikh with fascination and wonder because it is an example of God’s wondrous power and glory. The word Waheguru has special importance in the sikh religion as the name of God. The sikh scriptures contain many names of one God including Ram, Guru Gobind, Hari and allah. The word Waheguru is need to the sikh religion and is not found in any other religion.It has revealed by the first Guru that is Guru Nanak Dev ji and since the beginning has been given as the Guru Mantra or sacred word for meditation.Bhai Gurdas Ji a sikh scholar during the time of the Guru explains how during the time of Guru Nanak Devji the holy word Waheguru was given to the sikhs for meditation.


Founding dharamshala a place for dharma in kartarpur it was inhabited by the holy complication has the both the holy word Waheguru was imported by Guru Nanak to the people. Repeating the word Waheguru is a spiritual practice called naam jap which has supreme importance in Sikh religious practice. Sikh’s believe that every name of God has equal power and can lead one to the divine that one should decide that Holy word which is given at the time of initiation by the Guru and the name should be that of the one Universal God and not any person.Bhai Gurdas ji explains that reciting the holy word Waheguru has the power to remove egotism.

Waheguru Guru Mantra hai Jap Haumai khoiee

"His Guru Mantra is Waheguru whose recitation arises egotism because the word Waheguru is especially suited for meditation guided by the breath or swaas swaas Naam Simran by inhaling wahe is recited and when exhaling Guru is recited by doing this remembrance of God's name becomes a natural part of daily life

What is the origin of the word Waheguru ?

Guru Gobind Singh Ji the tenth Guru explains the origin of the word Waheguru. This word was revealed by Guru Nanak Devji.



Waheguru is essential and Supreme Mantra of the four ages which gives Liberation




Meditating on throughout several ages Guru Nanak Dev ji manifested the Secret letters.


"This mantra Waheguru was given by God to the Khalsa to trans purity to those who recited.The word Waheguru is also in Gurbani and the bars of the Gurus and the bahtts state within Gurbani that Waheguru is eternal and through Waheguru blessings his humble servants are fulfilled.



"Your servants are totally fulfille through out the ages. Oh Waheguru it is all you forever.

What is the meaning, origin and significance of sikh greetings?

The sikh greeting Waheguruji ka khalsa and Waheguruji ki Fateh has special spiritual importance it was given to the sikhs by the tenth Guru Guru Gobind Singh Ji and means that once were initiated disciples of the Guru belong to God and no one else that all victory aur fateh belongs to God and no one else. In the khande di pahul ceremony the sikh formally accepts the teachings of the guru and makes a commitment to Follow them in his or her daily life during this time 5 initiated sikhs drinks the sacred water Amrit which is prepared by reciting holy prayers. While receiving Khande di paul the initiative is expected to Chant WaheGuru Ji ka Khalsa WaheGuru Ji ki Fateh and bring Amrit from the same vessel as all of the Other initiates through the ceremony as significace dedicated to the discipline of the Khalsa are the service of God. This discipline includes reciting the daily prayer NITNEM observing the outer disciplines of the 5k’s and reciting the holy word Waheguru.Initiated sikh’s greet each other with the salutation WaheGuru Ji ka Khalsa WaheGuru Ji ki Fateh and in doing so the affirm their faith as members of Universal community of the Khalsa is instructed to only serve God and not any worldly master. In doing this the khalsa is free of any prejudice or bias and sees only the Welfare of mankind or Sarbat da Bhala

What does the chant Bole So Nihal Sat Sri Akal mean?

The sikh chant Bole So Nihal Sat Sri Akal means proclaim aloud and be fulfilled. True is the timeless and deathless lord.This was given to the sikhs by Guru Gobind Singh Ji and is called the jaykara of the chant of victory.Throughout countless battles this has been the rallying call of the Khalsa and sometimes also used by sikh’s as an informal greeting reciting this with conviction conveys a sense of spiritual fulfillment and it is often chanted during congregations and participants of the congregation feel inspired. This chance symbolizes the strength and optimism of the Khalsa. It is also recited at the end of Ardaas the sikh prayer which conveys a sense of rising spirits or Chardi Kala. Charhdi kala is a state of mind which means constant optimism through out the ups and downs of life is sikh is to remain high spirits this can be achieved through meditation and birds name in the secretary of the US this is explained Nanak Naam Chardi Kala Tere bhane sarbat da Bhala .Through God’s name we remain in rising spirits and constant optimism through and through God’s blessings may all benefits.